Model : Norman Conquest
Cockpit : Rear modified!
Year : Unknown
Engine & Fuel : Suzuki petrol outboard
Capacity : 50 hp
Toilet :
Also has VHF radio, depth sounder and a fish finder.
This boat has had its rear cabin cut off.
It then seems to have been abandoned by its owner on the river bank of the
Thames near Reading. I was given it by my boss at the time when i was working on
his passenger boats. It possibly had sat outside his yard for approx 10yrs or
more, but no-one is sure. Ninety percent of all its fittings have gone and its
makers plate as well. The remaining wood bulkheads were made of chipboard/veneer
and had to be removed as their bottom halves had disappeared, leaving just the
windows as original. Progress is very slow as i lack a decent place to work on
and have had to move it 3 times. Have now got decent trailer so hope to move it
up to west Wales when I return to college as i have an indoor workshop lined up
for it so hopefully it will be possible to dry the boat out properly and get her
finished. Will try to take photos of progress. Am rebuilding engine that I
bought for it at present.